Submit Poster Abstract
Poster Abstract Submission Guidelines:
All participants are invited (though not mandatory) to submit an abstract of original current work related to the theme of the meeting for possible poster presentation at the meeting.
Confirmation of your selection for poster presentation will be sent on the email address provided in the application by 5th November, 2009.
Poster Abstract Submission Guidelines for Participants who have already submitted for Oral Presentation:
Those papers, originally submitted for oral presentation, which has now been invited for poster session should re-format their abstract as in the format mentioned below and follow the template as well. Please note that only the abstract needs to be submitted for poster session. Kindly mention your paper submission number at the foot of the poster abstract to avoid re-review.
Note: The last date for this poster abstracts is also 20th October, 2009.
Guidelines for participants whose paper has already being selected for Oral Presentation:
Please follow the PC (Programme Committee) comments as well as reviewers comments, marked in email from Laxmi ( and submit a revised manuscript to Asif Javed ( by email, before 9th October, 2009. As per the tradition of APBC, at least one author must register by October 5th, 2009 for the paper to be accepted.
Format for Poster Abstracts:
- Abstracts should be presented on A4 page, should not exceed 250 words, and should include author name(s), affiliation(s) and email address of the presenting author. The name of the presenting author needs to be underlined.
- You can download the abstract sample template from the abstract submission form. Please follow the format as suggested in the template strictly. Abstracts that do not follow the suggested guidelines may be rejected.
- Please submit your abstract in PDF format only.
- One person can put up more than one poster. Every additional poster comes with additional charge. Please see registration page for details.
- Usually one person represents a poster, however there could be more than one registered participants who would like to represent the same.
Poster Abstract Submission Deadline:October 20th 2009
Notification of acceptance: November 5, 2009